National Disability Practitioners (NDP) is committed to assisting its members to develop professionally, access pertinent and useful information and engage with peers and colleagues to realise the goal of provision of the best possible services for Australians with disabilities. This Statement of Principles outlines the ideals and ethos surrounding disability sector practice. It is aspirational and educational: it aims to help foster a skilled, responsive and proactive workforce.
NDP relies on the fact that its members are aligned with the ideals described in this Statement of Principles and are bound by applicable disability legislation and service standards.
The following Principles complement the Disability Service Standards. Membership of NDP entails agreement with these Principles.
The member respects the individual needs and choices of the people who use their service and seeks to work around those needs and choices.
The member promotes and supports the informed decision-making and the self-determination of the people with disability.
The member protects the dignity, privacy and confidentiality of individuals being supported, and discloses any limitations on their ability to guarantee full confidentiality.
The member understands the policies and procedures used to protect people with disability from abuse and to uphold their human rights.
The member takes responsibility, where appropriate, for ensuring competent and safe work practices based on applicable standards, continually striving to enhance competencies, knowledge and skills.
The member exercises judgment within their area of expertise and limits of their qualifications.
The member regularly evaluates the effectiveness their practice, measuring performance, where possible, and consulting with the people who use their services and their families or carers.
The member promotes continuous improvement of service delivery.
The member fosters the inclusion of people with disabilities in the community.
The member fulfills commitments in good faith and in a timely manner.
The member acts with honesty, integrity, and fairness.
The member shall respect the rights of individuals regardless of their race, creed, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability.
The member ensures that services are delivered in a manner that is sensitive to cultural differences.
October 2014